Author: Anthony Hemmings

Finding Pleasure in Your Life

What’s the first thought that pops into your head when you wake up each morning? Is it that you’re looking forward to what the day will bring? Or could it be that you don’t even really care? Perhaps there was a time when you couldn’t wait to get your day started, not necessarily because you […]

Time to Take a Deep Breath?

“Take a deep breath” is what people might say to you if you’re feeling anxious. You hear it so often it sounds like a cliche. But what is it about breathing that that affects the way we feel? When you’re anxious, your breathing can become more rapid and shallow. Your body is trying to take […]

What are BAME Voices?

While working as a counsellor at Lancaster University, I co-created ‘BAME Voices’. This initiative gave students from ‘black and minority ethnic backgrounds’ the opportunity to have sessions with a similarly identifying practitioner. There were limitations to this. The term ‘BAME’ implies that lots of people somehow fit into one identity. As I continue in my […]

World Mental Health Day

Shouldn’t every day be a world mental health day? The World Health Organization wants mental health to be a top global priority. It matters that we have good services that provide support in a timely manner; it’s also important that we do what we can to look after ourselves. What can help to improve your […]

Seeking support in an abusive relationship

In her memoir Brutally Honest, Mel B wrote about her experience of being in an abusive relationship. At the recent Conservative Party conference she joined Farah Nazeer, of Women’s Aid, to talk about their latest research. If this is your situation and you are struggling, there is support available. It might be that the first […]